New Nails Inc Diet Coke Catwalk Collection: I got them all!
17:15:00Hi girlies!
A few weeks ago I was posting about the new Nails Inc London Diet Coke collaboration. Since last time (May/June) I only managed to get one of them and had regrets for a while, I wanted to get most, if not all of them (Plum being, in my opinion, common). Denim was the one I wanted badly though!
Well, after two trips at Boots, I got them all! Here they are!
Left to right: Caramel, Heather Grey, Plum, Denim
Caramel, as predicted, seems to be the most popular of them (judging by blog posts I have seen). It is a nude-beige type of color, that most people like. I have tried it on and really like the formula. Swatches to come!
Left to right: Eagle Street, Caramel
The picture doesn't really pick up how similar those two are, but anyway! If you like Caramel, Eagle Street from Nails Inc is a good alternative, slightly more purple than Caramel.A lot of people seems to list Heather Grey as one of their favourite one as well. It reminds me of the lilacs colours that were so trendy last summer, but with a hint of grey, hence the name.
Left to right: joe Fresh Style Fig, Heather Grey
Now, if you're in Canada, Fig from Joe Fresh Style is a good dupe, a little on the darker side though.Plum. Berry red. I have to say, I didn't know if I was going to pick this one, as I think that every brand carries a colour like this. Anyway, I thought: What the hell, I got three might as well have them all!
So, after coming home, I checked in my Nails Inc box, and yes, The Vale is pretty similar, if only a little more burgudy and darker. Paris from last Spring Nails Inc Diet Coke Offer is in the same range as well, but slightly pinkier.
Last one is my favourite, Denim. It is darker than on the picture. I don't have anything similar, so I cannot post any dupe/lookalike for it! I understand that this color is the least wearable in the collection, but I like bold colors!
So thats is my thought on the collection, some are dupable, some less ( I have to admit Heather Grey is still unique, those two brands are not even sold on the same continent haha!). I haven't tried them on and judge how dupable they are swatch, maybe will try that this weekend!
Overall, like it!
Did you grab any, if so which one?