When #bbloggers fail... or the importance of the eye cream!


I'm not one with sensitive skin, so I see my skin as some kind of warrior: invincible and strong!

But there are times that I am reminded that skin (even though mine is pretty tough) is a sensitive organ, that even if I take care of it, I should do so with more cautions thant I usually do!

One of those times happened to me last week. I usually don't bother to not put regular cream around my eye area. I sometimes use eye cream, but I have never been bothered to apply something different thant my moisturiser around them. Well, as I was trying a different moisturiser, nature reminded me the importance of using a gentler cream for the eye area...

Yup. I got a skin reaction on the eyes! Not a good looking sight! I woke up with those tiny spots, the ones that you just scratch and they're gone... but still annoying!

What I did is I took some rubbing alcohol to dissenfect my fingers, and then I also rubbed the affected area with the alcohol. I'm not a dermatologist or beautycian, and I'm sure it's not a good thing to recommend! But that's what I did anyway and it worked.

So for now I make sure I use a proper eye cream for my peepers, and the one I use at the moment is the Balance Me Wonder Eye Cream that I got in my She Said Beauty box. I'm not too experienced in eye cream, I did tried a few, but not extensively. For now, I'm happy with it, and I haven't reacted to it!

What the biggest skin reaction you experienced? What did you do? Also, what eye cream are you using?

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  1. oh no! You're lucky it didn't last long though. I'm currently finishing up a Nip+Fab eye cream.

  2. Oh wow, je pensais que tu avais fait une poussée de milia! Une chance que c'est parti juste en grattant, ça avait l'air douloureux!

    1. Ca piquait un peu, mais pas trop douloureux non. Oui, ca ressemblait a du milia! Mais ca apparait pas en dessous des yeux ca d'habitude?

  3. Une chance que c'est parti rapidement! C'est désagréable quand ça pique, surtout près des yeux, la peau est si mince.

    1. Oui je sais! J'suis chanceuse de pas faire de réactions en général! :)

  4. Gosh glad it was ok in the end, this is what always worries me about trying new products x

    1. I know what you mean! If my skin was sensitive I wouldn't try as many products as I do!


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A young 30 something who likes makeup, décor and travels.

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